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Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation is based on the specific placement of soft manual forces to encourage the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera and their connective tissues. These gentle manipulations can potentially improve the functioning of individual organs, the systems the organs function within, and the structural integrity of the entire body.
massage New zealand (MNZ)
MNZ is the only massage therapy specific membership body in New Zealand for professional Massage Therapists. Their purpose is to promote massage therapy and the ongoing development of the massage industry in New Zealand through educating the public about the benefits of massage therapy for health and wellness.
You can visit their website to learn more about the benefits of massage, search for Registered Massage Therapists in your area, and learn how to become a Massage Therapist yourself.
What is the difference between dry needling and acupuncture?
Dry Needling involves needling to altered or dysfunctional tissues in order to improve, or restore function. This may include needling of myofascial trigger points, or other soft tissues. Dry needling is purely for pain relief and is based on recent understanding in pain science.
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture examines changes in the tissues through the prism of the meridians as well as the status of the qi, blood and fluids (fundamental substances). Acupuncture is then applied to the meridians either utilising specific acupuncture points, or non-specific areas where tissue changes are evident, such as trigger points.
Dry needling at Well Body Massage Therapy approaches the management of pain and discomfort in the muscular-skeletal system (muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, fascia and trigger points) from a traditional Chinese Medicine prospective, as taught by Joannes Boele van Henbroek, a Wellington based Physiotherapist and Acupuncturist. Click on the link to learn more about Joannes and his approach to pain management.
new zealand massage therapy research centre (nzmtrc)
Established at the Southern Institute of Technology in 2009, NZMTRC aims to promote massage therapy research and teaching across the wider massage community and provide access to New Zealand based massage therapy research findings.
You can click on the link to see NZ specific massage research findings and learn more about the centre.